Update to Residents Regarding the Emergency Outdoor Warning Sirens

The last couple of days Dexter Township has experienced an outdoor warning siren malfunction. We apologize for the disturbance this has caused and we want everyone to know that the problem is being addressed. We’ve been in contact with county emergency services and are working together to fix the problem. Part of fixing this issue means that we have had to turn off the warning sirens while the malfunctioning siren is assessed and repaired. We’ve recently learned there are several local jurisdictions where similar events have occurred. We expect this issue to be resolved and all sirens to be turned back on within a week. In the meantime, we encourage residents to sign up for emergency alerts at www.washtenaw.org/alerts. We appreciate the residents and local first responders who first alerted us to this issue. We will provide updates on the status of the sirens as we learn new information.

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