Dexter Township


Brad Metz 
(734) 426-3767 – Office

Maris Metz, Deputy Treasurer
(734) 426-3767 – Office

Online Payments

Tax payments can be made by electronic check or credit card via Point & Pay at 1-844-368-5922 or through the Township websites Online Tax & Assessment Information .  This service is safe, reliable, and in accordance with all state and government regulations.  In order to process your payment Point & Pay charges a convenience fee of $3.00 per electronic check for payments up to $10,000.00 and $10.00 for payments over $10,000.00; credit card payments are subject to a 3% convenience fee.  After Monday, February 14, 2024, payments cannot be accepted via Point & Pay. Upon receipt of your tax bill, partial payments may be made; however, any taxes unpaid by the statutory due dates will be subject to applicable interest and/or penalties.